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Artist Statement 3

Luke Siegert

For my movie I wanted to create a dream like state that takes the character and the audience into a far off land with trippy elements. The plot was that the character ate bad Chinese leftovers and was transported into another dimension once he went to bed. I incorporated the animation pieces as a launch into the dream. The first animation was actually done in final cut. I used numerous amounts of frames and added effects and shapes to each one then shorten all the clips to a fraction of a second. The outcome created an awesome strobe type of effect that looks like a star exploding or a transition to "hyper-speed" The other two animation sequences were created in adobe animate. The TV static sequence was added to convey that the audience was entering an imaginary speculative world. The train falling off the tracks into the bottom of the screen was then the final dive into the unknown. The rest of the film basically relies on effects to create a dream like state for the viewer. This is something that I now realize is a weakness to my piece. I used the twirl and transition effects to create a twisted reality and also utilized the "find lines" effect to turn the live action imagery into a hand drawn look. If I were to do it again I would definitely use more regular animation and spend more time drawing frames in animation. Lot's of my inspiration came from movies with tripping scenes like Fear and Loathing and Alice and Wonderland, and other lesser known animated shorts.



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