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WebVenture Brainstrom

Luke Siegert

For my web-venture I would like to create an adventure type of game. Similar tot he Bigfoot hunting student example I am going to have a list of different characters you can select before starting the adventure. Depending on which character you select you will have a different outcome of the game. Instead of a singular adventure, the adventure you have will be different for each character. My characters will be animated in a pixel like animation. I have not yet picked out all of my characters and planned their adventures but I know that I will be incorporating things within their adventures that have to do with modern day things. The character's adventures will all included some kind of wilderness that they have to cross like a snowy mountain range or river. Within that page there will be different options deciding how to get across the river (things like ropes-wings, old bridges, or swimming). Only one path will actually be successful and the others you fall in and get eaten by crocodiles. Other pages will incorporate things like the option to invest in a certain crypto currencies or not and they will prove to be lucrative investments or not.



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