Within my zine I wanted to create a retro theme using patterns and technology from the past decades. I was trying to pair this theme with almost psychedelic attributes. The goal for combining them was to convey an unfamiliar but still nostalgic world for the viewer. I first wanted to focus on the theme of music more, so I incorporated numerous retro and vintage objects like, a walkman, boombox and vinyl player. After a while I drifted away from the music idea and started using all sorts of retro tech like old VW vans and tube televisions. This is something that I think ultimately made my piece hard to follow and if I were to do it again I would most likely stick to using only musical devices. During the process of making my zine I learned that the order in which I placed my pages could affect the overall vibe of the zine greatly. If certain pages are displayed to the viewer before others, it can drastically change the narrative, or theme the artist is trying to accomplish. I found a lot of my inspiration on Instagram on accounts where people make icons and illustrations for shutter stock. The icons of boomboxes looked very appealing so I began to toy around with image tracing in illustrator and it took off from there.
Artist Statement for Project 1
Luke Siegert