For my zine I would like to include a mix of geometric shapes in some sort of Memphis vintage pattern, and memorabilia and objects form the 80s. I will incorporate things like a boombox, roller skates, rubix cubes, cassette tapes etc. If I can I would like to frame the whole thing as if it were inside the screen of space invader, possibly with the geometric patterns acting as the objects in the game. I think lots of 80's objects and cars are just very photogenic and cool looking, and when put together with some sort of vintage pattern could accomplish an awesome nostalgic feel. I have already experimented with Memphis patterns before in illustrator and am fairly confident I can use it to support the images I choose. I am going for almost an MTV episode type of vibe. Below are pictures and symbols of 80s objects I am interested in including and a couple Memphis patterns, the teal dual tone one I created.
Brainstorm Blog #1
Luke Siegert